Manager – management news

Asiana, spol. s r.o. The section is sponsored by Asiana, spol. s r.o.

What is limiting your career?

One can make both good and bad mistakes in his career. Good are the ones that bring us some lessons and are not repeated. They do not limit our career. Then, there…

Want to manage your boss? Start with yourself

Some employees think they their superiors know everything and therefore…

Brian Tracy: Six steps to effective delegation

Brian Tracy: Six steps to effective delegation

"To achieve everything you are capable of achieving, and to be able to…

Body language for strong leaders

Every leader should be familiar with his body language. Read the…

Stand-up meetings save time and energy

Many companies still struggle with long boring meetings that are…

How does a dysfunctional company work?

Dysfunctioal companies are lead by dysfunctional leaders. CBS News brought…

Are you a bad manager?

Many managers have one thing in common - not realizing that they are bad…

When do managers most often lie to themselves?

Even managers are just fallible people. Making mistakes is, however, one…

What should your employees know?

Managers often learn unpleasant truths that are not known to the members of…

How to get out of the shadow of your predecessor

How to get out of the shadow of your predecessor

New managers meet the standards of their predecessors in their teams. When…

How do managers put obstacles in their own way?

Even good leaders can sometimes slip off to a behavior that could destroy…

What are the most common mistakes when giving presentations?

1. You do not let others help you If you have problems with any of the…

How to train your brain to positive mind-set

Many studies have shown that positive thinking influences performance - it…

Listing 3173 to 3185 out of 3266