Manager – management news

Asiana, spol. s r.o. The section is sponsored by Asiana, spol. s r.o.

Defining Sales Process Based on Best Practices

All sales teams are struggling with sales representatives who repeatedly fail to meet their goals and have no motivation. Even if their managers are trying to help,…

Global Top 25 Companies for Leaders 2011

IBM sends leadership SWAT teams to coach local staff worldwide. 90% of…

What is Your Goal?

What is Your Goal?

Only goals that are challenges and force us to achieve higher targets may…

Brian Tracy: How to Beat Your Fear

Brian Tracy: How to Beat Your Fear

"Nobody is born with fear. This is why we can get rid of fear through self-…

Female Leaders: How to Get to the Top

Number of women in top management is gradually growing in recent years.…

There is No Leader Without Trust

Leadership requires trust. Successful leaders therefore focus on building…

How to Do More with Less

How to Do More with Less

Mantra dnešních organizací „dělat více s…

Cat ears reveal emotions

Do you have doubts about whether the participants of your training sessions…

Jak poskytnout zpětnou vazbu efektivně

Zpětná vazba je jedním ze základních nástrojů vedení a rozvoje zaměstnanců.…

6 barriers to empowerment

6 barriers to empowerment

Empowerment in the field of people management means developing …

How to Deal with Constant Complainers

Optimista vidí sklenici z poloviny plnou, pesimista z poloviny pr&…

Listing 3329 to 3339 out of 3339