Manager – management news

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Are you a micromanager? Three telltale signs

Micromanagement is one of the biggest sins a manager can commit. It kills the creativity of otherwise hard-working and ambitious people, leads to frustration, bad…

About to manage a new team? Four steps you should take as soon as possible

Every team is different. Each one consists of various members, works on…

A subordinate with too big an ego? Some tips on managing such a person effectively

Managing someone who is always right (according to them), who has a problem…

How to communicate with subordinates during a company crisis

An uncertain economic outlook, inflation, rising energy prices: all these…

No more useless team meetings: how to make them truly effective

For many regular employees, team meetings often mean boredom and futility…

Five tips on how to do more in a working day

Every manager (and every hard-working employee) should always be thinking…

Mindfulness in practice: how to include it in your everyday life

Mindfulness is a set of attitudes towards work and life in general, which…

Lacking motivation? Nine quotes to boost it

Autumn is here, winter is on the way and the days are getting shorter.…

The art of persuasion: five tips on making someone change their mind

A manager must be a kind of a psychologist. They must have excellent…

Five traits of a successful leader

What does a successful leader look like? Someone who is capable of…

Three tips for improving subordinates' problem-solving skills long term

The goal of any team manager should be always to ensure their subordinates…

Recognise via body language that someone is trying to deceive you

The job of a team manager consists in large part in communication with…

Seven rules of effective manager communication

One of the keystones of effective leadership is communication. Every…

Listing 326 to 338 out of 3288