Manager – management news

Asiana, spol. s r.o. The section is sponsored by Asiana, spol. s r.o.

How to give negative feedback to subordinates effectively

Providing feedback is a key tool of successful communication between manager and subordinates. It is a way to develop employees and clarify mutual expectations, as…

Five tips on overcoming low self-esteem

It is not necessarily the case that only extroverted people with high self-…

How to recognise a toxic environment dominates in your team

Toxic environment: a frequently used expression in the context of being…

Manager's relaxation: five tips on eliminating work-related stress

Management positions have one of the highest risks of burnout. They tend to…

Guide on how to seem immediately likeable to people around you

The good news is that charisma can be learnt. Having a certain charisma,…

Four tips on identifying and solving your biggest problems with time management

Time management is a key skill of any employee, but for managers it is…

Signs that your subordinates do not respect you

As a manager, in order to motivate and truly lead your subordinates, you…

Four healthy habits that will make working from home easier

Are you working from home, whether it be voluntarily, due to medical…

What effective time management looks like – and how to teach it to subordinates

Time management, in other words effective organisation of time and work, is…

Five tips on appearing authentic to your subordinates

In order for a manager to build rapport with their subordinates so that…

The most common reasons why managers feel a lack of energy

Motivation, inspiration, boosting energy and supporting positive thinking:…

Five soft skills you should develop in subordinates

Besides hard (i.e. technical) skills, a manager should also develop their…

Mistakes to avoid when giving negative feedback to subordinates

Feedback from a line manager is one of the pillars of employee development,…

Listing 365 to 377 out of 3266