Manager – management news

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Three areas to focus on to become a successful leader

Not everyone in a management position is a good and successful leader, capable of motivating employees to give their best possible performance and providing the team…

Four phrases you should stop using in communication with employees

One and the same thing may be said in twenty different ways. Often it is…

Five tips on how to inspire team members with a common vision

One of the key tasks of a manager is to provide their team with a certain…

How to prevent burnout syndrome in your team

Burnout syndrome is a phenomenon which requires no explanation. It is a…

Four tips on making team meetings more enjoyable and effective

When people think of a team meeting, it often brings to mind boredom and…

Five rules of working from home you should teach your employees

Home office or a hybrid model that combines working from home with the…

Seven pieces of advice from an experienced manager

Are you a new manager, recently promoted and lacking experience? Or are you…

How to get rid of bad habits in five consecutive steps

Even a small bad habit can cause big trouble in the long run. If you do…

Four steps towards earning subordinates' trust

For a team manager to be a truly inspiring leader, their subordinates must…

Develop your team by motivating employees to learn from their mistakes

Every manager, including you, wants a team consisting of independently…

Morning rituals of successful leaders

The beginning of a day plays a crucial role in how the whole day will turn…

Five tips on reducing stress levels in your team and increasing productivity

High stress levels, too much work, being overwhelmed with tasks and a work-…

Four pillars of successful leadership

Leadership is not just about administrative management of people and…

Listing 495 to 507 out of 3266