Manager – management news

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How to ensure your team sees you as a great manager

“My boss is great.” A sentence seldom heard but sometimes it does occur. So what is the secret of success of those who earn such rare praise from their subordinates,…

Three cornerstones of a successful team

Even the best possible employees do not ensure success of the team as a…

Do you lack motivation to work? Inspirational quotes that will help you

We would all be happy if we were forever positive, motivated and always…

Six morning rituals that will boost your energy in the long run

It is surprising to what extent our morning activities define how well we…

Four surprising tips on how to achieve higher productivity

Bad time management, when you are pressed for time and under permanent…

Three poor communication habits every manager should get rid of

Effective communication leads to establishing good relationships, and good…

How to break a bad habit forever in five steps

As Benjamin Franklin once said, even a small hole can sink a big boat. If…

How to ensure your team reaches its full potential

Every manager wants to have a team of people they can trust, one that will…

Inspirational quotes that will boost your motivation

Leadership and successful management of people is all about having the…

Five psychological tricks to persuade and motivate your employees

The ability to persuade others and get them "on your side" is essential in…

Six bad habits you as a manager should immediately put a stop to

The modern age brings many risks and lifestyle diseases which, in…

Seven tips on dealing with stress that stems from being a manager

Stress can affect anybody: employees and their employers, small and larger…

Phrases to help you better motivate your team

Put in a nutshell, leadership is basically all about communication. A…

Listing 547 to 559 out of 3266