Manager – management news

Asiana, spol. s r.o. The section is sponsored by Asiana, spol. s r.o.

Take trust seriously: Are your employees reluctant to speak their mind? (2/2)

The previous article described why trust is not just an added extra which it is nice to have. Nowadays it is a necessity – at least if you want to attract and retain…

Take trust seriously: Are your employees reluctant to speak their mind? (1/2)

In a safe and trusting environment, employees can express their…

Women and tech careers: situation still not ideal

Women currently make up about 50% of graduates in the natural sciences and…

What do remarkably successful businesses have in common?

There are certain things that successful businesses have in common … Is…

Virtual meetings: run them more effectively

Remote work is very much dependent on how well you can utilise virtual…

The case of Tesla (2/2): Key questions remain

The previous article offered possible explanations for what is going on…

How to prevent boredom at the workplace

Boredom is a source of anxiety and stress. If we lose interest in our job…

How to choose the right coach for yourself

Leadership coaching is about growing and developing leadership skills,…

Growth mindset vs fixed mindset

What mindset do you normally employ every day? It is primarily a matter of…

To succeed as an entrepreneur, stay healthy with these simple tips

When it comes to entrepreneurship, you are your own business. That is why,…

Biases in promotions: men benefit from drinking with their superiors

Male employees newly assigned to a male manager advance more quickly than…

How to do product development properly (1/2): Who is the customer?

There are many pitfalls when you want to develop a great product. Start-ups…

Promoting workplace heroism: allow employees to become acquainted and help one another

Heroism is somehow naturally accompanied by humility. There is a…

Listing 807 to 819 out of 3266