Manager – management news

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Become a better business leader

Do you want to become a better business leader? If so, world-famous speaker and coach Brian Tracy has some good advice on the topic.

Personal space: how to respect it

Personal space is a key component of all our relationships. Once we fully…

Family businesses (2/2): The importance of institutionalisation to family businesses

The previous article described some differences between old and young…

How CFOs can lead digital transformation (2/2)

The previous article mentioned four roles CFOs can take on to help their…

How CFOs can lead digital transformation (1/2)

There are four ways in which CFOs can be catalysts of digital…

Don’t be swallowed up by change: instead, be part of it

Engage in change at your company and make a real difference. The best way…

Success may not bring happiness: so be happy now (2/2)

The previous article suggested we should forget the common perception that…

Unpleasant, yet useful thoughts: Dealing with regrets (2/2)

Regrets bring about feelings of shame, grief, anger or guilt. However,…

Success may not bring happiness: so be happy now (1/2)

Do you still believe that as soon as you become successful, you will…

Unpleasant, yet useful thoughts: Dealing with regrets (1/2)

How to deal with regrets? All of us have made some poor choices in our…

Never underestimate the importance of emotional intelligence

Are you a leader with strong charisma, drive and vision? That's fine;…

The best time to start is now

The sooner you start chasing your dreams, the sooner you can achieve them.

Do you know what frustrates your team?

Not only human resources managers worry about people leaving the company:…

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