Manager – management news

Asiana, spol. s r.o. The section is sponsored by Asiana, spol. s r.o.

Do life's hardships make us wiser? It depends on how we react to them

There is no given rule that wisdom need necessarily increase with age. As people grow older, they sometimes become more cynical and unpleasant. These are not exactly…

When adversity pushes you to breaking point

If there are no challenges in your life that would knock you flat on your…

Emotions at work

Emotions are part of every relationship without exception, both in the…

Negotiating over a meal (2/2): Does it add or detract value?

When examining the impact which eating together has on a final deal, it…

Negotiating over a meal (1/2): The influence of food

Is it a good idea to have a meal when you need to talk business? This is…

Refresh your team’s motivation

Do you know how to encourage and motivate your staff to participate more…

Cutting expenses, not jobs (2/2): Where to look

The previous article described what you need to focus on if you want to…

Are your decisions data-driven?

For a long time now, manufacturers have been trying to eliminate as much…

Cutting expenses, not jobs (1/2): Setting the stage

Implementing changes is usually difficult. To a large extent, support and…

Age of change (2/2): Mobilise your will to change

Any gap between the world of modern technology and your organisation will…

Scheduling an important meeting: how to ensure the best outcomes

When setting a date and time, you have to consider everyone's schedule;…

Age of change (1/2): Get rid of habits and mindsets that no longer work

One of the most demanding challenges of today is that the world is changing…

How blockchain helps business (1/2)

Blockchain enables the tracking of shipments in real time. The result is…

Listing 1002 to 1014 out of 3266