Manager – management news

Asiana, spol. s r.o. The section is sponsored by Asiana, spol. s r.o.

Is your business really customer-focused?

When you are in a field with more than one supplier, the only thing that can differentiate you from the competition is excellent customer experience. However,…

A newly published lecture by Steve Jobs from 1992

In 1985, Steve Jobs was forced to leave Apple and he began building his new…

Time management tips that can change your life

Time management is about being able to do more in less time. Use the…

Influence others with your words: Have conversations that create impact

The majority of people don't start out knowing how to talk to people, but…

5 steps towards creating a team with a positive atmosphere and good results

Becoming a team manager means more than just approving vacations and…

Change management: Embrace that inevitable mid-level period of mistakes

Change is not about the big things. It is mainly about the little learning…

Digital reinvention of your business (2/2): Digital transformation

The previous article described how you might approach changing the business…

Digital reinvention of your business (1/2): What consultants advise

In order successfully to change your company into a digital one, you need…

Get rid of your personal limits

Identify unhelpful beliefs you may have. Don’t get stuck in a rut and…

8 Principles of Rebel Leadership

Success is often the result not of following but rather breaking rules and…

3 tips for choosing a business partner for an online project

When you need to select a business partner who can help your online…

Promote accountability in the team, not micromanagement

We should never worry more about accounting (recording what exactly happens…

Stressed out by work? 5 steps towards improvement

Work is high on the list of things that cause stress. Many people fear the…

Listing 1080 to 1092 out of 3266