Manager – management news

Asiana, spol. s r.o. The section is sponsored by Asiana, spol. s r.o.

Why you should probably speak less

Sometimes team conference calls or meetings are not particularly engaging: participants offer only limited input and the overall benefits are minimal.

A newly published lecture by Steve Jobs from 1992

In 1985, Steve Jobs was forced to leave Apple and he began building his new…

Influence others with your words: Have conversations that create impact

The majority of people don't start out knowing how to talk to people, but…

Change management: Embrace that inevitable mid-level period of mistakes

Change is not about the big things. It is mainly about the little learning…

Study: The impact of company names on their economic results

Can a company's name affect its economic performance? This was the question…

Digital reinvention of your business (2/2): Digital transformation

The previous article described how you might approach changing the business…

Digital reinvention of your business (1/2): What consultants advise

In order successfully to change your company into a digital one, you need…

8 Principles of Rebel Leadership

Success is often the result not of following but rather breaking rules and…

Why startups fail: Marketing is getting it wrong (2/2)

The previous article explained why marketers should become more involved in…

Unlocking growth: The strategy of learning fast

Growth hacking is strategically used throughout the customer journey. It…

Impact investing (2/2): Blueberries in China

In 2014, Credit Suisse management approved the idea of creating an impact…

Communicate clearly: Roadblocks to avoid

Have you ever wondered which common patterns block us from having truly…

Impact investing (1/2): Impact intentionality spectrum

Investing with impact means that one of the goals is bringing about a…

Listing 261 to 273 out of 984