Manager – management news

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Help your team be more creative: 4 ways to foster creativity

Regardless of whether you lead a startup, small business or large corporation, creative thinking can add significant value to whatever is being done at the…

Boosting your sales team performance (2/2)

The previous article described how the adoption of CRM is never easy, so…

How to recognise a toxic person

A caring attitude, mutual respect and clear communication are the grounds…

3 Myths of employee promotion

Have you ever promoted someone when you weren't sure if he or she deserved…

Boosting your sales team performance (1/2)

Sometimes we need to take a step back and examine our own performance…

Three things you must do if sales start going down

There are numerous possible reasons why sales can start going down in your…

Negotiation tips from a pro (3/3): How to improve your next results

Dont miss what your counterparts can tell you. That is one of the most…

How to drive sales performance: Do care about line sales managers

Especially in sales, there is constant pressure for better results and…

When will the sale of petrol and diesel cars end?

The British government has just announced that it will ban the sale of cars…

Will artificial intelligence destroy mankind?

In 1968, Stanley Kubrick shot the cult film 2001: Space Odyssey based on a…

Negotiation tips from a pro (2/3): If you are at the table, you always have some leverage

In the experience of negotiating strategist Corey Kupfer, an attorney and…

Negotiation tips from a pro (1/3): You need clarity and detachment

Negotiating strategist Corey Kupfer, an attorney and the author of a book…

Changing how your company operates: 4 approaches

There are four types of strategic intervention. Leaders should be able to…

Listing 378 to 390 out of 984