Manager – management news

Asiana, spol. s r.o. The section is sponsored by Asiana, spol. s r.o.

Is your perfectionism dangerous?

We should all strive to be the best at what we do; however, there are certain boundaries we should not cross. Perfectionists are not successful in their lives. Their…

Learn with experiential learning (1/2): Concept Introduction

This approach to learning encourages the participants to take risks and…

Self-interest or stereotypes? How to behave when evaluating others (1/2)

Some research conducted by the INSEAD business school examined our tendency…

How to get back into game when you fail

When you make a mistake, the feeling of failure doesn’t have to be…

Have your CEO eat lunch with employees

Why will it work? Because employees who are invited to a discussion with…

Find a new team member on social networks

Social media recruitment saves money. That is why you, as a manager who is…

Forget about money: Financial motivation doesn't work (2/2)

In an article on there were some insights into…

Big changes ahead: Getting your staff on board

You dont want employees to view change with confusion and react with fear.…

Conduct SWOT analysis fast and simply

A SWOT analysis is a structured method used to evaluate the strengths,…

The evolution of attitudes to ethics

The website looked at the last four generations and…

What to do when a key employee is about to leave you

Top employees and high performers are key to a company's success in any…

Build your reputation without bragging

If you have opportunity to present your own articles in print…

Even your boss can become a great communicator

If the CEO of your company is a good communicator, he or she can have a…

Listing 651 to 663 out of 984