Manager – management news

Asiana, spol. s r.o. The section is sponsored by Asiana, spol. s r.o.

Typical mistakes of new entrepreneurs

In the first year of doing business, startups tend to commit the same mistakes which can cost them not only money but also their entire existence. Reporter Alyson…

"Hey, we exist too..."; or, how to promote a startup cheaply

Something is always better than nothing. This is especially true when…

Myths surrounding salary negotiations

For many people, requesting a raise equals a nightmare. They expect…

A few tips for reducing travel expenses (Part II)

The fact that corporate budgets are not unlimited needs no great…

A few tips for reducing travel expenses (Part I)

Corporate budgets are not unlimited as many employees often think on their…

Are you a proactive Project Manager?

Being proactive means to act to gain control over a situation before it…

Examples of corporate rules to improve employee relations

The Richard Branson of Cornwall. This is the nickname of the successful…

5 tips on how to deal with conflict situations in a friendly way

Do you value friendly relations with your colleagues? Would you rather…

Do you have the mental strength to achieve success?

Successful people have many different characteristics, but what they have…

How to find (and deal with) the causes of previous business failures

Failure should not be a synonym for last year's business. However, if it…

The end of traditional managers?

Zappos says good-bye to managers. No more managers required. Become more…

8 mistakes made by inexperienced entrepreneurs

Building a business is never easy. First-time entrepreneurs should at least…

Encourage your inner geek to grow your business

One becomes a geek when he or she is really excited about something and,…

Listing 846 to 858 out of 984