Manager – management news

Build your innovative dream team

Creating new ideas is largely a matter of teamwork. If you, a manager, focus on analyzing the communication between individuals from the previous project, you can…

3 tips on how to effectively manage multiple projects at once

Managing several projects at the same time can be tough. On the other hand,…

What to do when a group meeting is not enough

Beginning working together on a project is not just when everyone starts…

How to gain your project sponsor's trust

Cooperation with project sponsors is crucial, but not always a simple…

How to learn from a failed project

Managers responsible for failed projects naturally tend to pass their…

Project manager's daily bread

What should project managers do every day? This question has recently been…

Project managers must be prepared for constant change

Most project management articles focus on different methodologies, managing…

When to terminate a project

All projects can simply not succeed. Managers should therefore know when…

Project Management: Add more proactivity

Being proactive means being able to watch your activities in the long…

What to prepare for when managing projects in a new industry?

Are you a project manager who is going to change industry for the further…

Project management lessons from NASA

Jerry Madden spent 37 years working for the U.S. National Aeronautics and…

Leadership mistakes of project managers

It is the human factor which remains the weakest link of many projects.…

What to do when you inherit a project

The situation is not always so ideal that one manager can lead a project…

Listing 118 to 130 out of 180