Manager – management news

Asiana, spol. s r.o. The section is sponsored by Asiana, spol. s r.o.

Working with virtual reality: what to expect

Virtual reality (VR) is changing many aspects of our lives and the workplace is no exception. A recent article at noted five ways in which…

Effective leadership for important changes (1/2): To do list

Large-scale change is currently one of the biggest challenges to be faced…

When will the sale of petrol and diesel cars end?

The British government has just announced that it will ban the sale of cars…

Will artificial intelligence destroy mankind?

In 1968, Stanley Kubrick shot the cult film 2001: Space Odyssey based on a…

Achieving brand loyalty in banking: AI helps

With more and more structured and unstructured data and new technologies,…

Managing a team over distance

Managing a virtual team means using on a daily basis phones, e-mail,…

Too much diversity damages teams

Team diversity is promoted primarily on the assumption that teams composed…

Key leadership competencies (2/2): Common weaknesses

The previous article described the first two insights which were revealed…

Key leadership competencies (1/2): Insights from a global research

Most leaders share similar beliefs about what competencies are vital to the…

Confirmed: Coffee makes us live longer

Do you start your day with a cup of coffee at home and then feel like…

AI: already delivering real value to energy sector companies

Even today, artificial intelligence is being used to obtain real-…

Handling an emergency videoconference presentation

Generally speaking, we dont see emergencies coming. And an emergency…

Moral relativism (2/2): What to do about loose morals of well-travelled employees

It seems that it is the breadth – not the depth – of experience…

Listing 261 to 273 out of 620