Manager – management news

Build your reputation without bragging

If you have opportunity to present your own articles in print publications or on websites, go for it. It will take you only few hours and when you choose…

Could you become a professional speaker? (2/2)

In the first article, Brian Tracy, a famous speaker, advised us on how to…

Presentation tips for a professional performance

If you feel the need to rehearse a speech immediately before starting to…

PowerPoint is a good servant but a bad master

Most people worldwide use PowerPoint to prepare presentations. Most people …

Could you become a professional speaker? (1/2)

To become a speaker who gets paid for speaking, you need to be passionate…

Tips that can save your life during a presentation

There will be a lot of attention on you, so take care of everything. Clean…

The biggest networking mistakes

Parties, meetings of businesspeople, conferences and organised B2B…

Simple steps to make a presentation engaging

Your key objective is to familiarise the whole audience with your topic.…

Fear of public speaking? It's all in your mind

Emotional hijack is the worst enemy of every speaker. It happens when you…

How emotions can save you millions

If you are able to read collective emotions, you can react accordingly when…

Answering questions at your presentation

When there are questions, it is not the time to feel the terror of being…

Break out of Powerpoint hell

No matter how paradoxical it may sound, data-packed presentations are not…

7 tips on how to be more persuasive

7 tips on how to be more persuasive

The ability to persuade others is important not only for marketers and…

Listing 209 to 221 out of 369