Manager – management news

Tips from experts: Giving a presentation

There is an enormous difference between, one one side, presenting and on the other, only reading  from your script. therefore asked…

How to prepare for hecklers and other people disturbing during your presentation

No matter whether speaking at a conference or a meeting, you always risk…

Nonverbal communication: How your body can betray you

If you are aware of the proper use of nonverbal communication skills, body…

What should you do just before a presentation?

There are only 15 minutes left until your presentation begins. If you have…

Charismatic and confident ... or too much so?

The office is also a political arena. If you are popular, then people are…

Improve your voice

It is definitely possible to do something with your voice. The…

What not to say in a presentation

The purpose of this presentation is ... Imagine that ... Thank you. These…

Negotiations: How to achieve a win-win result

Many people feel uncomfortable when they have to negotiate. Some of us even…

How to catch attention at the beginning of a presentation

If you fail to catch the audience's attention at the beginning of your…

How to adopt a posture of (no) power?

Are you interested in how body language affects how we are perceived by…

Recruitment is not a shallow talent competition

Searching for shortcuts in recruitment will backfire on you. This applies…

Why presentations are (not) good?

On average, it is estimated that up to 350 presentations are delivered…

First time before an audience? 8 tips for success

You have just been asked to prepare an upcoming meeting for some really…

Listing 287 to 299 out of 369