Manager – management news

How to talk to the media professionally

An opportunity to speak to journalists doesn't come every day. Every manager should therefore know how to conduct an interview with a journalist when such a chance…

Networking is an opportunity, not suffering

In business it is true more than anywhere else, that if you want to…

Presentation: What to do when you have a lapse of memory or when your trousers fall down?

Many inconveniences can happen during a presentation or another public…

Does your audience know what you are talking about?

How should a presentation not look like? This question was answered is an…

Three conditions for a successful presentation

If a presentation is to be successful, it must meet three conditions: it…

How to make presentations to a large audience

The keys to success when making a presentation or another kind of public…

Networking: Luck favors the prepared

The ability to build contacts pays off in every industry. If you are among…

Presentations once again...

Weve all seen bad presentations, yet we still make the same mistakes like…

How to start your presentation the right way

15 seconds. This is the maximum length of time you have at the beginning of…

Public speaking: Are you dressed properly?

We have already been writing many times bbout how to professionally prepare…

Can you work with a camera?

Nowadays, when people in companies routinely communicate via video…

Introvert's guide to personal brand building

Even introverts realize that the path to a successful career requires the…

Everybody can learn how to speak in public

There is only an absolute minimum of speakers with the art of performing in…

Listing 339 to 351 out of 369