Manager – management news

Four very common mistakes people make in presentations

Public speeches and presentations scare many people. Often the reason is that they do not know how to prepare properly, so the fear their speech will not go well is…

Six tips on how to prepare a perfect presentation

Whether you are preparing to address a large audience or planning to give a…

The basics of a successful public presentation or speech

Public speeches. Some people are terrified of them, some don't mind them,…

How to deal with colleagues' unpleasant behaviour during conference calls?

We all may be a little tired of the endless stream of video calls and phone…

Secrets of a successful presentation: is there anything you are forgetting?

Not everyone enjoys performing in public. On the contrary: many of us are…

Why shouldn't women be outstanding speakers?!

The great speakers that history remembers are mostly men. It's not that…

The art of improvisation: basic techniques for improving your speaking skills

Imagine an improvised speech as a conversation. You don't have to plan it.…

Mistakes to avoid at the end of a presentation

An audience often remembers the last words the longest. Learn the five…

Five tips to remove the stress of presenting now

Maybe with a very few exceptions, no one enjoys presenting; some people…

Grab an audience's attention within the first 10 seconds

You only have ten seconds to win an audience's attention. How do you…

Active listening is not about you but the other person

Listening seems to be a dying art. Modern society is fast and noisy, with…

Prepare an unforgettable interactive webinar for your audience

Just a few small adjustments to the speech and you can impress your co-…

Do you hold meetings? Or just run them?

Anyone who has recently spent time in online meetings and video…

Listing 27 to 39 out of 369