Manager – management news

Seven obstacles in your career

The days are past when "doing your job" and showing interest in further development were enough for a promising career. Many employees, however, still make mistakes…

Now is the best time to switch jobs

According to research, three quarters (76%) of people are dissatisfied with…

Exceptional CEOs (2/2): Advanced lessons

Sequencing of new initiatives is important. In the case of an exceptional…

Exceptional CEOs (1/2): the basic lessons

When top executives are expected to excel in a new role, it is usually…

Some advice to millennials at the start of their careers

Everybody dreams of a good career, large income and an interesting job. And…

Roles we transfer from childhood to working relationships (2/2): Aren’t you Lucy?

How we naturally view and respond to people and situations is to a great…

Roles we transfer from childhood to working relationships (1/2): Story of Lucy

If you grew up suppressing your own assertiveness or you felt unloved by…

The world of work in 2050 (2/2)

In the first part of the article, we learned that in the next decade, we…

The world of work in 2050 (1/2)

The world of work has been changing rapidly in recent years hand…

Training, training, training

Do you want to get promoted? You should consider getting more…

5 simple tricks that will help you succeed in life and work

Our personal and professional lives are always interconnected. It's usually…

Live the life you want

Too often we have several excuses at our disposal which make it easier for…

How do busy people stay calm?

Calm, balance and attentiveness are traits that help you use your time as…

Listing 118 to 130 out of 445