10 reasons cold calling has no future in sales

According to BusinessBrief.com, the time to call new customers based on phone number databases is nearly over. There are at least 10 reasons for that: 
  1. Caller ID. No senior person will answer the phone if they do not recognize the caller. 
  2. Mobile phones. Most managers use only mobile phones. But the available contact numbers are usually on land lines. 
  3. E-mail. This method of communication is often preferred in comparison with telephone contact.
  4. Text messaging. Many people prefer writing to calling. Let alone when it comes to a stranger. 
  5. The Internet. There is no reason to buy anything over the phone, when we can look around peacefully on the internet and even order there. 
  6. Web query. Most shoppers today are doing research via the Internet. When something catches their attention, they use contact form on the site and request to be contacted. 
  7. Quotas. More and more sales people are not able to achieve their goals. If they can figure out a way to sell without a cold call, they will do it and they´ll save time. 
  8. Rules and regulations. In many countries regulations are getting stricter as to how sales people can contact their customers. 
  9. Attention span. In the current market environment, managers are forced to do more work in less time. Thus, if a sales person gets them on the phone, they are unlikely to pay much attention. 
  10. Automated attendants. It would seem that this is the best way to surpass smart secretaries and get the right person on the line. In fact, it is a lengthy process with a high risk that the contact information is outdated. 


Article source BusinessBrief.com - a U.S. website focused on business
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