Don't be discouraged by myths about selling!

There are a lot of myths about selling. They seem as very much likely statements, but in fact they are  quite misleading. picked the top 5:

1. The customer is always right

In fact, customers often have unrealistic demands. The sales person is expected to put them realistic scales. So they actually need to tell the customer that he or she is wrong.

2.  The customer always knows what he wants

The contrary applies: Clients usually have only a vague, sometimes even completely bizzare idea. A sales person is the person to identify customer needs and afterwards suggest the best solution to them.

3. Every prospects represents a potential order

In fact, you have to sort out those who currently do not have enough money or their need to buy your product is not high enough to justify such expenditure.

4. "No" is not an answer

If a potential client has too many objections, you may just be wasting your time. So if you hear "no" more than once, then it really is "no."

5. The best sales people are extroverts

Selling is, in fact, more suitable for those who are least to some extent introverted. They can listen better and talk less.


Article source - a U.S. magazine and web focused on starting businesses
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