7 steps to smarter marketing

Most business owners complain about a lack of time especially for marketing activities. Take a look at 7 ways to streamline marketing, even if you are very busy.

  1. Analyze the results of your marketing efforts. You'll find what works and what to focus on in the future without losing more time.
  2. Act in short intervals of time. You don't need to think over a campaign in a determined few hours. The same applicate to a survey launch prepared for Facebook, which can be activated in a matter of few minutes.
  3. Limit your online activities. Determine if customers respond more to articles on your blog, newsletters, tweets or status updates on Facebook. Then select two areas that generate the greatest engagement of your target audience.
  4. Use the "inefficient" moments. Even though you think you utilize your time efficiently, such moments can be found. Maybe when you're waiting in the queue at the grocery cashier, or in the doctor's waiting room, you can use the time to think about details of the planned campaign or rethink your next tweet.
  5. Consider external cooperation. Consultants or specialized services providers can be hired only at times  you need really need them.
  6. Involve fans. Create campaigns that will make them want to talk about what you do. A good example is a group deal - they will need to share such information with friends so that they can benefit from it.
  7. Create a shorter list of tasks. If you have a long list, look in your diary and divide it into different periods. Only then it will be realistic to fulfill each of the tasks.



Article source OPEN Forum - U.S. website and community of small entrepreneurs
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