9 tips for creating a great product

In the past it was possible to sell almost anything using perfect marketing presentations. In today's time, you need something extraordinary. Something to catch people's attention, interest them and make them talk about it. Marketing guru Seth Godin offers 9 tips for this purpose on how to create such an extraordinary product.

  1. Create demand by creating an outlier. Go beyond limits: The product must be super fast, super slow, very exclusive or extremely cheap, huge or tiny. Find out which of these limits you will have the biggest effect on marketing.
  2. Playing safe is the greatest risk. There are too many players on the market so you have no chance to earn money as "one of plenty."
  3. When something goes wrong, count your losses and move on. Where it is clear that the product is not extraordinary, you should just move on. When people immediately do not see something that will make them talking, further investment in the product makes no sense.
  4. Do not offer the product to masses. Begin with a selected groups. The first ones are the most important - the ones they will talk about you and spread awareness on others. Therefore, choose carefully.
  5. Find a demographic group that will bring you the highest profit. Ie. those whom you first product offered the product would refer it to this group. You should consider how to reward both groups.
  6. Take advantage of the economic crisis. It is easier to stand out in a time when everyone is afraid to take risks. Besides, it is a time when people are thinking about changing suppliers.
  7. Change your thinking. You don't have to be a genius to create a super product. But you must properly think about the strategy and what you want to achieve.
  8. Use cheap distribution channels. If you have tried a number of sales channels, use the cheapest. Every distribution channel can create demand. So why shouldn't you cut your costs?
  9. Do not bet on a one-time miracle. Ie. once you manage to create a remarkable product and get it to market, start thinking about your next product. Do not be afraid to take risks again. Shock your target group again - especially now when you know them. But remember, what was extraordinary then may not be at all interesting now.



Article source OPEN Forum - U.S. website and community of small entrepreneurs
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