How to deal with difficult clients

Every company has or had a client with whom everyone hopes that if they call, someone else will pick up the phone. You need to deal with those too. The OPEN Forum published 9 advices to help you with them, and maybe even learn how to turn such customers into loyal ones.

  1. Recognize a difficult customer when you see one. Follow the signs: Words as payment, issue, problem, mistake, or slow may indicate one like that. If he or she rises their voice or uses sarcasm, it may mean that the request will escalate. In such case, make it a priority.
  2. Be constantly on the lookout. Make sure that customer support is working well. Monitor social media, so you do not miss a request for contact.
  3. Fast customer service will help overcome problems. You will get the hearts of customers who want immediate attention. The faster, the better. Difficult customers have the biggest concerns and the smallest patience.
  4. Be personal. In impersonal communication it is much easier to express dissatisfaction. Show them that they speak with a human being, not a robot. If it is not in person, add your photo into an email or meet at least on Skype. It's harder to yell at a specific person.
  5. Spoken word is better than written. In addition, some customers better understand what they can hear. The human dimension pays a role here too.
  6. Give them what they want. When you fulfill what they want, it is the best way to get rid of them. It may be a refund, an apology or admitting a mistake. Doing that is better than damaging your reputation.
  7. Tell the truth and accept responsibility. Always be honest. People like transparency and humility, which is also appreciated. You can regain their confidence.
  8. Use the magic words - please and thank you. It is paramount in customer service.
  9. Always start by expressing regret, even if it's not your fault. Show that you acknowledge their problem. Empathize.

Good customer service is an integral part of the marketing strategy. Therefore it is important to keep improving it.



Article source OPEN Forum - U.S. website and community of small entrepreneurs
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