How to make your client "fall in love" with you...


The first month of working with a new client is something that will never repeat again. You have a chance to build an image of your company as a wonderful partner, without which your customer can no longer live. The tactics to achieve this are often quite similar to those we use in our personal relationships.

  1. Plan for the future. Prove that you count on the client in the long run and they can count on you. Set your common short, medium and long-term goals.
  2. Do more than necessary. An example to illustrate this: You order a pasta with ketchup, and you are given al dente pasta with a sauce made of cherry tomatoes with fresh basil and sprinkled with fresh parmesan cheese. Provide your services to your client the same way in order to be respected and admired.
  3. Surprise them with an amazing idea. Surprise with something that was not planned, what the client did not expect, but this idea "just crossed your mind." When a company gets a creative strategic idea, without asking for it, it's like when a girl gets a big bouquet of roses.
  4. Sense of finance. Agencies lose many customers due to financial disputes. Make sure the client knows in advance how much will the first invoice be and what exactly they are paying for. All invoices must be clearly understandable, accurate and submitted on time.
  5. Spend quality time with the client. Personal contact and the time spent personally with clients are the best way to induce a collegial atmosphere with a feeling like "we're in this together." Relationships are about personal contact - this applies in both, personal and business lives. Make it a priority, even if this time woul be on the agency's accpimt. Think of it as an investment.


Article source Ragan's PR Daily - news, advice, and opinions on the public relations, marketing, social media, and media worlds
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