Sales presentations to multiple decision makers

Increasingly decisions are made by a commission or a team of people. Sales people need to take this fact into consideration and adapt their presentation accordingly. Its dynamics is compared with the sale of a single person changes dramatically. How to prepare?

  1. Prior the presentation: Make sure everyone can stay until the end. If this is not possible, try to determine the role of those who have to leave early. How do they participate in decision-making? Make sure they will have the most essential information before they leave.
  2. During the presentation: Watch all of them. Have you noticed that when one of them speaks, others listen to him more than to others? Try to focus on these people more during your presentation.
  3. Encourage active participation of the audience. If they are quiet, ask a question. Ask for an opinion of someone about whom you think that he or she is the most important of them. By speaking up, other members of his team will open up as well.
  4. At the end of the presentation: Make sure that everyone gets a chance to speak. If anyone of them stayed quiet, try to call them later, or send an e-mail. Maybe they have questions, but did not feel comfortable asking in front of others.



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