Coca Cola to use neuromarketing to test ads

Many brands have tried neuromarketing, but usually they are reluctant to talk about it. Coca Cola announced that it will use neuromarketing in all ad projects in the coming year. Theys will use facial coding by Affectiva to map consumer emotions and Link copy-testing by branding ageny Millward Brown.

Facial coding has been performed for a long time by slow-motion videos. But it was very expensive. The company Affectiva created a facial coding system that works with web cameras and automatically analyzes the information.

Link copy testing uses eye tracking and other indicators to evaluate various copy versions. Millward Brown says that they can measure engagement, brand association, motivation as well as some other parameters.

The method of Milllward-Brown is also used by Unilever.

The publication of Coca Cola's decision illustrates that important brands consider measuring subconscious preferences and neuromarketing very rellevant. It is not always necessary, however, to directly measure brain activity to get the data.


Article source - prestigious American business magazine and website
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