What customers want but will not say it

Customers continually lie to you - did you know that? There's no malice, just an effort to protect your feelings and avoid confrontation. And then, one day they just disappear without you noticing that there was a problem.

Therefore, take a look at the following 7 things that customers want from you, but will not tell you:

  1. The look matters. It should not, but it does. You and your team members' look does matter. The client wants you to look pleasant and professional.
  2. Prove that you want to do business with us. If you start a meeting by saying, "Tell me about your business," then you are not prepared. Find out the maximum information and present it at the meeting. Only ask for specific things you need to know and you could not find out. Offer the client to correct you if something about their company was presented wrong.
  3. Your thing is too complex. When you explain what you are doing, make it simple. You are hired for a project, other details only confuse the client.
  4. Be available 24/7. Every client wants you to be there just for them.
  5. I want to deal only with you. Everyone knows that CEO's have the greatest power to ensure that things get moving. Therefore, they want to deal with them. Client should never feel that they are passed to someone else, because you have another, more important customer.
  6. Show that you appreciate me. Maybe by a gift to express a "thank you".
  7. Impress me! Client told you that there is no budget? But there usually is, it is just allocated elsewhere. Show them why they should give it to you.



Article source OPEN Forum - U.S. website and community of small entrepreneurs
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