11 common mistakes in social media communication


Again and again there are articles about them, but these mistakes are just so easy to make... After reading the list bellow, you will certainly be more careful in your next post.

  1. The emphasis on quantity over quality. Doing quality content is the key to success.
  2. Reactivity instead of proactivity. Yes, do react. But that's not enough, you must also create conversations.
  3. Absence of strategy / plan. A loss of time and money. Social marketing must be part of a larger marketing plan.
  4. Automatic messages. Even at the cost of not thanking every new fan, avoid automated responses, or eliminate their using.
  5. Posts without proofreading. It's about your reputation, it is worth to proofread the post and only then publish it.
  6. Writing when you are tired or without energy. Beware - it gets reflected. You'd better postpone the post.
  7. Asking for a retweet in every tweet.
  8. Stretching too thin. Learn to say no (to yourself as well). Rather do less and focus better.
  9. Spamming fans / followers.
  10. Fear which holds you back. Do not be afraid to stand up.
  11. A post is not a novel. Avoid repeated publication of long posts with a "click here to read more". The most successful posts are often short concise thoughts.


Article source Ragan's PR Daily - news, advice, and opinions on the public relations, marketing, social media, and media worlds
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