Which social platforms should you use? 5 questions for the right decision


Do we have to be on XYZ? And should we also be on ABC? And the what about the latest social network we have recently read about? These are quite typical questions of managers and marketers regarding social media. Should they be present on social media and if so, where? On all?

Decisions about choosing social networks is very complex, so try the following 5 questions. After answering them, the next steps will be much clearer.

  1. Do people use this platform to talk about the brand, industry or competitive products? Find out the situation. To what extent are they talking about you, who is the author and what do they say? If they are writing only about the quality of your customer service being poor, you choose a different strategy than if they are solving your product selection. As far as competition, their presence does not necessarily mean that it is necessary for you to be here as well.
  2. Does the platform correspond to your demographic group? Different groups prefer different networks.
  3. It is possible to tell a story here in a new/unique way? Best illustration is the Vine. The popular six-second videos proved to be very handy marketing tools. But definitely not for everyone. A unique, original presentation has a lot of weight in the final decision.
  4. Do you have the resources to support your presence on the network adequately? Social network is a commitment. Building a brand's position, which also must be maintained and strengthen.  
  5. Does the platform fit to your present digital communications? Consider whether this social network fits into your overall communications strategy. Maybe it would be too separate, non-integrated. And then it is worth to wait.

The answers to the above questions indicate the beginning. Any pre-selection means further assessing the potential marketing as well as legal and other risks.


Article source Ragan's PR Daily - news, advice, and opinions on the public relations, marketing, social media, and media worlds
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