10 questions to create quality content

Creating quality content requires patience, planning and practice. And the famous quote "content is king" was said by Bill Gates back in 1995, which predicted the trend of modern marketing.

Although content is crucial, it must be created for the right reasons. Otherwise, it loses its value. Therefore, in the planning stage, always ask yourself these 10 questions to make sure that your content marketing goes the right direction.

  1. What do I want to communicate? Even if it is a simple "buy this product," you have to make sure that this is what you want to say now. If the message is not clear, people lose interest.
  2. Why?  Why do I need to say it - to increase sales, improve brand awareness, inform others? Unjustified communication is meaningless.
  3. How do I say it? What form of communication will be most effective? Should it be a campaign, or just one tweet?
  4. Why? You need to understand why you chose this or other media.
  5. Who is it for? Decide for which target group you create this piece in the selected format. Having this in regard, make sure the content is properly understood and engaging to the target market.
  6. Why? Think about why you chose the specific audience. Then make sure that the choice corresponds to the answers to previous questions.
  7. What's in it for them? Whether consciously or unconsciously, when viewing the content, everyone quickly assesses whether it is worth to give it more time. So first of all, what is the value for the user consuming your content. Then there is a chance that this benefit will also be seen by your audience.
  8. Why?  To reach closer to your set objectives.
  9. What will follow? Every piece of content should gradually lead to an action. That is the reason you are creating the content in the first place. Make sure users know what to do.
  10. Why? So there will be value created for the company as well.



Article source CustomerThink - US website focused on customer care
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