The most common mistakes of banner ads


Banner advertising is a great medium for targeting and retargeting on the Internet. In connection with the popularity of this form of communication, the so-called banner blindness also rises, so it is necessary to pay more attention to its design. The objective is not to get clicks. The clicks must be made by the right potential customers. 

What are the most common mistakes banner ads?

  1. The banner does not attract attention. This is a prerequisite for fulfilling the objective of the advertisement. What plays role is the size (of banners, fonts, images, and any design elements), shape, colors, movement (while maintaining clarity) and the location of the banner.
  2. Absence of values. Why should the customer click on your ad? Interest is built through value proposition.
  3. Noone asks for a click. Resp. the right potential customer is not asked to click. Design banner authors are often so busy they just forget to ask for clicks. In addition, you must ask the right people, for example by working with their expectations (motivation to purchase), which is different for different types of customers.
  4. Continuity of banner and the following landing page. A banner is only the first step to convert - to attract people. Only at the landing page can they make a purchase. If one does not support the other, the whole process is devalued. Offered value must be communicated even further and the connection to the banner should be completely natural and clearly recognizable.


Article source MarketingExperiments - The first Internet based research lab to conduct experiments in optimizing sales and marketing processes.
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