Beware of the 5 myths of customer service


The CustomerThink server presented the results of a survey taken by Sales Force, globally one of the most successful and innovative software companies.Sales Force focuses on the development of systems and programs used in customer service, sales, and business. Many of the findings are surprising and have proven some of the long-standing myths of customer service to be false.

Myth no.1: When customers have problems, they complain. The truth is that between 70 to 90% of customers never complain, not even when they encounter major problems. One of the tasks of the customer service is to actively seek customers´ comments because even if a client that does not directly complain to the company, that customer will on average complain to three friends or acquaintances.

Myth no.2: The success of customer service is directly proportional to its cost. On average, 80% of customers contact a company with matters that can be dealt with in several minutes, with no expense to the company. Surprisingly, most customers prefer simple, direct solutions with a clear explanation, not financial compensation.

Myth no.3: When we do not hear from clients, they are happy. You can never know what the real situation is without proper interaction with your customers. Maybe your clientele consists of dissatisfied, but silent customers. Whether or not your customers contact the company is never a determining factor. You need to use one of the many methods of customer satisfaction analysis.

Myth no.4: More phones calls from customers means less success. If your customers voice their complaints, you should be grateful. Because if a customer actively complains, contrary to all expectations, his loyalty to your company on the average is increased by 50%.

Myth no.5: It is better to invest in marketing than in customer service. This erroneous assumption has been proven false by the fact that it costs 5 times more to acquire a new customer than to keep a current one. Responsive customer service will guarantee improvement in customer loyalty.


Article source CustomerThink - US website focused on customer care
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