3 most common mistakes in marketing

Product success is influenced by many factors, not all of which can be influenced. Failure in marketing, however, can be prevented. In this regard, most companies repeat the same mistakes and often regards these three:

  1. Making wrong / too fast conclusions. Marketers simply come to a conclusion from certain information too quickly and that may turn to be completely wrong. Sometimes it is not enough to read numbers, but is necessary to reveal exactly what is behind them, why they are such as they are.
  2. Assessing each campaign individually. Currently, a campaign aims to build a relationship. Years ago, the aim was to achieve a transaction. Transactions are still a final point where customers are lead. They are often affected by a number of campaigns: Just ask the client what motivated him to decide to try the product. You will learn that at first this happened, then that, then someone somewhere said something, and so on ... It is important to understand how different campaigns affected him. Only then you know what you can further improve. The buying process is a journey and you need to know it well in order to be able to accompany your customers on their way.
  3. Trying to copy someone else's success. Same campaign may not work for two companies, even if their products are similar. Current marketing is very complex and success is influenced by a number of things. Again, it is essential to focus on perfect knowledge of the buying process from the perspective of your clients and understand everything that is influencing them on their way.



Article source Inc.com - a U.S. magazine and web focused on starting businesses
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