4 steps to reach success in sales in 2014


What will developments in sales be like next year and what do you need to do to keep pace? The EyesOnSales gives the following answers:

  1. You have to increase the effectiveness of your selling by at least 15%. All companies realise the importance of sales and they will expect top performance from their representatives in the coming year. The expected increase in the buying potential of consumers also plays a certain role in this. If you do not increase your sales performance, you will find yourself in a severe struggle with your competitors.
  2. Your potential clientele will grow if you know how to use modern communication technology to your advantage. Both the volume and the quality of means of communication are on the rise and will continue to rise next year too. This means that there will be more competition as well, but if you know how to use modern technologies, your clientele will increase significantly.
  3. Time will become even more precious. There are certain indications that people will have less time next year. The market will loosen a little and businessmen will try to invest their time efficiently. If you find a way to make dealing with clients less time-consuming, they will definitely appreciate it.
  4. Customers will become more volatile. Since most companies have already managed to establish themselves also on the internet, clients have access to a much larger amount of information, which means that customers will simply leave you if they receive a better offer. Focus on the quality of your customer service and keep track of what the competition is into.


Article source EyesOnSales - popular sales blog for Sales Professionals around the world
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