10 tips on how to monitor the quality of calls efficiently


Monitoring the performance of your call center employees is not just about scolding them. The British server CellCentreHelper.com published a manual for supervisors on how to perform efficient monitoring with results that will be useful for those being supervised and for the whole center.

  1. Use the information gathered in an effective way. Do not focus only on individual failures. Try to discover general tendencies and systemic flaws.

  2. Detect mistakes before they develop. Whenever you find out that a certain bad habit is spreading in the center, you should try to solve the problem as quickly as possible before it becomes a general trend.

  3. Monitoring is not about catching wrongdoers. Monitoring should not be a negative activity, and it should not be regarded as such by the employees either. Try to perform monitoring that can be regarded as positive and as a way for the employees to develop.

  4. The responsible supervisor. In order to be performed correctly, monitoring needs to be carried out by a competent person who has been through calling himself and who knows how to use monitoring in a positive and efficient way.

  5. Appreciate well-handled calls. Use monitoring for appreciation – you may praise an agent who managed talking to a problematic customer well.

  6. Record and save ideal conversations. If you manage to catch and record a conversation that is ideal in some way, save it for the future so that it may be used for training.

  7. Know what the clients want. Do not try to merely apply your own theories to the agents, but try to get feedback from the customers so that you know what it is that they really expect.

  8. Have a system. Do not work in a random way, but have a consistent system you can follow. It will enable you to get results that are relevant and so you can discover changes over time.

  9. Define what it is you want from the employees. Efficient training and the clarity of your demands are the best ways to improve the performance of the employees of your call center.

  10. Even the supervisor needs to keep learning. Monitoring is not a one-sided process. Even the supervisor should be getting something from it – learning, ideas, new stimuli, and new trends.


Article source Call Centre Helper - British weekly online call centre magazine
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