5 ways to write better headlines


It always starts with the headline. It may contain keywords, but if it's boring, people simply do not click on it and do not read on what you wanted to share with them. Therefore, it is sometimes better to stick with the classic journalistic rules, rather than the modern SEO tactics, i.e., write a title that is informative, interesting and raises the interest to read the article. Keep in mind the following five tips:

  1. Stick to what the headline promises. Do not lie. If you promise "5 tips on how to achieve xyz," then in the article readers should really find these tips. If you often exaggerate in headlines, people will stop paying attention and start to ignore you.
  2. Do not write headlines that are abstract or too clever. Avoid ambiguities of which you think the reader should figure them out. At the same time, do not go straight to the point, because that is why your wrote the article. Then it will make no sense to read it.
  3. Don't insist on keywords. Google is now working in more context, therefore, it no longer plays a role, whether the subject in the title is in singular or plural because this or that has a higher search count. In addition, synonyms are recognized by Google and it can draw the significance of the whole article. Keywords should, however, appear in the body of an article because Google uses them for correct indexing of content.
  4. Lists still work perfectly. In addition, they are often shared. "5 tricks your partner expects in the bedroom" or "3 surprising ways of losing weight" are still successfully selling all life-style magazines.
  5. Write headlines that attract readers and inform them. "The new gas additive saves several thousand crowns a year," "Where to take children during a visit to Hradec Kralove?" - These are headlines, which provide valuable information and provoke interest in the content.

People ask Google more and more questions. And Google's algorithm wants to provide answers. Therefore, content marketers should provide information according to the above rules. Spells in the form of keywords are not enough any longer.


Article source Ragan's PR Daily - news, advice, and opinions on the public relations, marketing, social media, and media worlds
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