Do you have a creative idea? Follow the tips to evaluate its success


Marketers, PR people and content creators have one thing in common: They must be able to recognize whether an idea has the potential to truly succeed. This is only possible by combination of the idea with real data and a careful analysis of them combined to evaluate that it can deliver real value to the bottomline of a brand or company.

To find out for yourself whether your own idea has a chance to succeed, try these 6 tips:

  1. Google it. Try to find your idea on the internet to see if it has already been used and with what success. Also you can think about how to amend it to make it unique.
  2. Analysis of positives versus things to improve. Divide a sheet of paper into two parts. On the left, write what you like about the idea. Right, make a note of what needs to be improved, because in its current form it may not work. Then think about whether these things really can be improved. If not, maybe the idea is not suitable for implementation.
  3. Difficult questions. Think about challenging questions that you probably will be asked by your boss or a client. Can you still defend the idea? How will the creative idea enhance the brand value? What will be the return? How will you measure everything?
  4. Talk to people. The best ideas happen between more people. Discuss your idea with others and get their insights - criticism as well as ideas for improvement of your original idea.
  5. Test. Even if you choose to implement your thought, there will still be room for improvement. Therefore, the first test it. It is best to make several kinds of tests.
  6. Learn from success and mistakes. After the campaign, take time to evaluate it. You can use this information in your further work.


Article source Ragan's PR Daily - news, advice, and opinions on the public relations, marketing, social media, and media worlds
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