Traditional marketing lives on


Social media are a great marketing tool, but traditional communication should be kept in mind as well: According to the latest study 73% of people over 18 years old use social media. Consequently, a full 27% of consumers should be addressed in another way unless you want to completely give up on them. Therefore, online and offline marketing need to be combined. So how do you make sure that you can actually reach the majority of customers?

  1. Allocate a portion of the budget to traditional marketing. Even if most of your potential customers are online, it is always worth investing in increasing the quality of the sales team as one of the traditional communication examples. Sales people can then cope with any opponent of new technology. A customer who is not a fan of social media, may become - thanks to your good approach - an extremely good brand advocate and a loyal client.
  2. People need to notice a brand message ten times in average to remember it. That is why it is good not to rely on one channel and choose communication across different media.
  3. People don't mind the same message if it is provided in various ways. The average American consumer spends 5 hours per day online, 4 hours watching TV, 1.5 hours listening to the radio, 32 minutes reading the print, and 20 minutes with other media. In other countries, the times may be distributed slightly different. But the findings clearly show that social media are not the only possible way to reach people effectively.
  4. Consistency is what counts. It does not matter whether you use old or new media. The key is the unified brand message: The Customer must always clearly identify that it's you who is addressing them.


Article source - website of a leading U.S. magazine for entrepreneurs
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