5 reasons why content marketing is not just a modern fable

Do you find that content marketing is just another trendy fad and therefore it does not make sense to deal with it? Who cares that companies like Coca-Cola are trying to produce a wide variety of content under their own name, it is simply a wave which in time will pass and everything will return back to normal. Or not?

PR Daily lists five clear reasons, the reading of which may make you decide to seriously start content marketing:

  1. Too much information noise. There are sales pitches all around us. All articles about products are marked as paid PR articles. How should a consumer understand all the information flood? Perhaps due to the fact that the brand of their choice not only provides facts about the products, but also other interesting and entertaining information, the reading of which is enjoyable.
  2. People have always liked stories. We all like to listen to interesting, fun and engaging stories. And even if they are from a brand that we like.Content marketing uses stories as one of the main tools.
  3. People want to engage and share. Content marketing supports human tendency to learn, ask questions and talk. If your content is good, people share it and will talk about it.
  4. Consumers perceive positively organization wchich creates custom content. This was proved by a survey by Custom Content Council. Moreover, according to the survey, 78% of consumers believe that an organization that creates such content, has a real effort to build strong relationships.
  5. People like to make informed decisions. Content marketing allows you to show a product from a different angle, while providing valuable information. Sharing links, videos, best practice and recommendations of the third parties as part of curated content provides people with just the last straw they need in order to make the purchase decision.

Summarizing the above points, it is abundantly clear that content marketing will stay here with us. All reasonable brands will begin to listen to the customers and accordingly adapt their content strategy.



Article source Ragan's PR Daily - news, advice, and opinions on the public relations, marketing, social media, and media worlds
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