Photo Contest on Facebook: How to maximize the effect


Photos represent a medium with the greatest viral potential and Facebook is the best proof: Daily there are 350 million photos uploaded. That's why companies like to use photo contests, which are very popular among consumers. Under the vision of winning, they share their favorite photos while brands succeed to increase awareness and engagement of the audience.

So how to make a photo contest effectively?

  1. Determine your goals. What will be the measure of success of the contest? It is not enough to increase the number of fans or "create" engagement. Try to be specific and ask questions: What (which product, brand, new product) do you want to support? What information do you need to get from fans? What motivates them to participate? How long will the contest last? How to involve the fans after the contest is over? Immediately when the contest finishes, prepare a plan to reach out to the new people and convert them into customers.
  2. Simplify participation. If the rules of entry are complicated, participants will easily leave. Therefore, clearly state how a simple registration form should look like, and what information is really necessary for you. Equally, tell participants briefly tell what to expect after registration. Obviously use incentives such as coupons, which also quickly increase your sales.
  3. Promote the competition well. Use all platforms you use. You can set up a special contest hashtag to share across social media, e-mail and in any other advertising-like way.
  4. Respect the rules. Read the contest rules of Facebook and follow them. Otherwise, the contest may be blocked by Facebook.


Article source Ragan's PR Daily - news, advice, and opinions on the public relations, marketing, social media, and media worlds
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