How to use the power of mothers on social media


Mothers represent considerable buying power amongst the population. We have mentioned in the past that working with them can be very beneficial for the brand; the same applies to social media. Let's look at the basic facts about mums' behaviour here:

  • 66% of mothers perceive social networks as a good source of information.
  • 65% obtain information about products and services through social networking.
  • Mothers are 20% more likely to use social media than the general population.
  • 47% of those who use it visit several times a day.
  • 70% of mothers publish on social networks about a brand (products or services).
  • Mothers are 38% more likely than the average American to become fans of a brand.

Based on scientific facts, the divergence of behaviour of mothers on the internet compared to the general population is based on the biological differences between men and women: women have more connections in the brain between the left and right hemispheres, while men rather have wiring within each hemisphere separately. Therefore, women often handle multiple tasks simultaneously and men are better at concentrating on one thing at a given moment. Women often use social media while doing something else. This also explains why they use it more frequently than men (78% vs 69%). Additionally, the greater the time pressure, the better women can handle multitasking.

How to utilise these characteristics of mums?

  1. Hit their highest values. Mothers always establish connections and nurture relationships; they have a sense of cooperation. Brands must clearly communicate the support of these values and prove their understanding of values for mothers.
  2. Involve them in conversations. Mothers converse to share information, establish relationships and nurture them. Brands need to speak with them and engage them. Content focused only on the product will not achieve this. Actions where brands help build relationships between mothers have proven successful.
  3. Show empathy. Mums react to this. They respond best to a brand story with which they can empathise, having already experienced something similar themselves. You can find inspiration for such content by listening to mothers and asking for their opinions, e.g. via brief questionnaires with a reward for completion.


Article source Social Media Today - a U.S. website focused on social media
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