4 tips on the best ways to use social sites


Social media are a proven tool for achieving targets and increasing revenues. There is a direct correlation between using social media and closing deals. Sellingpower.com published recommendations how to use them in the best way.

1) Find out how your customers use social sites

If you do not know what social sites are most suitable for you, find out where your customers are most likely to be. Be active on these sites. Surveys show LinkedIn and Twitter are the top choices because they have the most users.

2) Use the time spent on social sites effectively

Choose networks that do not waste your time with things you do not want. LinkedIn is  best at this. At the beginning, find a few groups that relate to your business interests. After you join, start to follow conversations. Also find people on Twitter who may be useful to you.

3) Be active

Ideally, be active daily, but you do not have to spend a lot of time. You can use automated tools to update  your account so it stays active. Do not forget to regularly check the responses to your posts and shares.

4) Find out as much information as possible

Before you start trying to reach customers directly, find out as much as possible about them. Visit their LinkedIn pages and check their Twitter. Depending on how active they are you can find out much more than their full names, job titles and work success. If you want to meet someone new, use LinkedIn´s third-party connections. Chances for a warm welcome will increase.

It takes time to understand social sites in relationship to your clients. Give social sites a chance. Look for suitable clients and gain their trust. Later you can build strong business relationship.


Article source Selling Power - online version of a US magazine for sales managers
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