Successful press releases: Put them on the web


A press release that is going totally unnoticed is a costly failure. Possible gains are lost and you don’t even know why. Don’t rely on newspapers, post it online on your blog. Tweak it a bit, and chances are the results will surprise you, claims the website

When you have no relationships with journalists or their bosses, you face a serious problem. Your press releases won’t appear in newspapers and magazines and that is bad. On the other hand, anyone can publish his press release online – just take it and throw it on a blog or get a local newspaper to put it up. How many people will actually see it and read it? Don't expect much interest.

1. Consider rewriting your press release

Press releases that will be noticed must suit the audience. When you decide to go online with your press release, your audience will be very broad and diverse. Therefore, it may be a good idea to rewrite the body of the release. Especially if you planned to publish it locally, there can be some names or references unfamiliar to someone who doesn’t live nearby. If your topic has the potential to catch the attention of people living far away, it would be a pity not to make adjustments to the release for them – at least a little bit. Usually you need to redo it to be focused more on the products and less focused on events, because these only attract people who live or work locally.

2. Consider posting it on your own blog

It is fast to send your press release in digital form to your local newspaper, but they may fail to promote it properly or worse – they can post it with inappropriate pictures. You minimize the risk of your brand being damaged when you post your release on your own blog. You decide how it will look and you can edit it as things change. You can manage links and add images. However, when you simultaneously offer the release to a newspaper, check what their policy is. Sometimes they require exclusivity… and they do their research.


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