5 sales skills in the internet era


The internet has changed the world of business. Salespeople still need to master the same skills, but in these days it is more demanding. You need to go into greater depth with your client. Topsalesworld.com published five tips how to best use your skills in the information age.

1) Presence

During the previous era, good eye contact was essential for good presence. We used a handshake, body language and attire to create a message of confidence. These remain important but you have to add a bit more.

The required level of confidence projected has increased. You have to be more professional and have more knowledge about solving problems. The rise of internet,  has created an on-line presence. You have to make a good impression on LinkedIn, Twitter or Facebook.

2) Building relationship

Not long ago building a relationship was about breaking the ice and connecting on a personal level. Today you have to add trust. Customers do not want to take risks. If they do not trust you, they will not buy.

3) Questioning

In the age of internet you have to come to the meeting with much more information about the customer´s company. But questioning is still an important part of the meeting. Its purpose is not to just find out new information, but to engage the customer in a dialogue.

4) Listening

Face to face listening, listening on the phone or on an e-mail has expanded to "listening" on social media such as blogs and Twitter. It is not enough just to listen to what customer is saying but also what he is reading, viewing and following. Then it will be easier for you to understand his intentions and goals.

5) Offer

Recently salespeople have been talking about product superiority. Now you have to focus on understanding of customer´s problem and solutions. You have to prove that your offer has a value and you have to build a consensus with your customer.

Do not forget to ask a client for feedback about your opinions and solutions. Remember, you have to converse with him, not lecture him. 


Article source Top Sales World - global sales community
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