6 ways to attract attention to your posts


Do you spend lots of time writing posts only to attract a few readers? Catching the attention of others is not easy. It is essential is to read what you have written before you post it - check language, grammar and facts for mistakes. If you want your article to be really read and shared, find inspiration from the article published on Prdaily.com.

1) Publish quality content often

If you want your post to be popular, you have to publish often. But not just a high quantity of low quality posts. The quality of your post is very important. Most importantly your writing should be engaging and inspiring, but also add some graphics

2) Engage host writers

Engaging interesting host writers can bring you more readers and new points of view. In addition the writer will probably will also publish the content on their networks. Thereby,  bringing you new readers and fans.

3) Use search engine optimization

Although it will take you some time before you learn how to work with SEO and also posting of a new article will take longer, do not be discouraged. Investing a little of your time in SEO is worth it. When your pages appear at the highest level of searching you will naturally get more readers. Find out what works for you and use it effectively.

4) Use linking appropriately

A relevant link to another article is definitely helpful. But linking just for the sake of linking is useless. Your link should be relevant. Do not put them at the end of your article, if you include them in your text you will have more readers.

5) Ask your friends' opinion

Send a link of your post to a few friends or colleagues and ask them to leave a comment. Do not overwhelm your readers with extremely long posts. It is better to post three shorter articles then one long one.

6) Create a group for sharing your content

To get your post widely seen you need lots of fans on social media. If you have only a few friends or followers, create a group on Twitter or LinkedIn of your friends or colleagues and share your content. Then  you will gain more readers.


Article source Ragan's PR Daily - news, advice, and opinions on the public relations, marketing, social media, and media worlds
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