Four obsolete sales methods you must immediately stop using

Honestly, the sales profession makes many people feel uncertain or even have an aversion to it. This is because a salesperson reminds them of obstrusiveness, selling everything to everybody at any price, and being calculating.

Don't be this type of salesperson. Improve your reputation and reaction of prospects by stopping using the following four methods that are obsolete and just discredit you.


1. Product presentation

Oldschool business presentations mean that you have the client sit down and have them passively listen to your presentation in which you praise your product. According to the server, this sales method has been outdated for a long time.

Don't focus on the product, focus on the client. Talk to them; the presentation should be an interaction rather than a monologue. Focus on the needs of the customer and how they will personally benefit from your offer.

2. Talking

The „talkative“ salesperson stereotype is unfortunately still justifiable in many cases. Many businesspeople feel that if they don't talk, something is wrong, which is why they overwhelm prospects with too much information. You should stick to the 80-20 rule, i.e. the client talks 80% of time, and you only 20%.

3. Enthusiasm

The sales „enthusiasm“ means you keep smiling and you're always positive, and many people can't bear it. Again, the image of the always happy and jovial salesperson is outmoded. You should adapt to how your client behaves and their style of communication.

If the client gives you signals that something is wrong, or doesn't like something, don't just ignore it with humor. Don't always be positive. On the contrary, you should stop and talk in detail about the situation with the prospect.

4. Selling at all costs

The last piece of advice is probably the most important. Don't try to sell everything at the highest possible price to anybody. Instead, you should be a consultant that gives good advice despite the fact that the volume of the sale decreases or that you might lose a prospective customer.

If your product doesn't fit the person, say so and don't put yourself in the situation in which you „force“ the prospect to buy, even though you might end up having an dissatisfied customer.


Article source - website of a leading U.S. magazine for entrepreneurs
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