Recover a lost client

If you spend all your working time seeking new clients while at the same time your current ones are leaving, you should re-evaluate your priorities. If the unfortunate experience of losing a client happens to you, there is still a chance that you might get them back.

Here is a guide on what should be done when you lose a client.


Personal meeting

According to the SellingPower portal, it is necessary not to consider the client's leaving as something permanent. You must act quickly and ideally set up a meeting.

This applies even if the client tells you nothing can change his mind. If a personal meeting is not an option, schedule a talk via Skype or at least have a phone conversation.

Understanding the reasons for leaving

Have a talk with the client, listen to them and ask about the reasons that made them leave. Ask in a general way, talk about long-term problems and perspectives. Remember that the reason the client gives you need not be the real one.

Setting up new conditions

After you have learned about the real reasons behind the client's leaving, suggest a new set-up for business cooperation. Forget about the system previously in use and, bearing in mind the demands of the client, come up with a brand new solution that will suit both parties.


If, despite all your efforts, it happens that you do not succeed in convincing the client about further cooperation, you can at least use this opportunity to gain as much information and feedback as possible.

What you learn from the given client may help you prevent other customers in the future from leaving. Take the time to obtain all the information the client is willing to share with you.


Article source Selling Power - online version of a US magazine for sales managers
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